Having revealed my website to the world, I suddenly feel much more pressure to write clever, precise and witty things. Things are generally a lot easier when nobody's watching, I suppose. For example, I am fluent in Chinese and have major league quality stuff (trans: pitches) as long as nobody is around :) In case you are reading this, and have a strong desire to read clever, precise and witty things, please go read
Noelle Chun's blog because not only does it feature huge and flaming buildings, but also heart rending sagas. Enough said.
Working at my new "job," I am finding that when you compare most things to janitoring, it doesn't really seem like work. Data entry versus popping gum (four years

in row) off desks just doesn't compare. Nor does staying up until 2am doing "rounds" compare to shoveling rocks. And when I get bored here, I can read a book. No need to wonder around aimlessly, pretending to have stuff to do. My job, for clarity's sake, is being an RA for highschoolers here at NU. They are the college prep program, they are 15-17, two are taking orgo, and they're all crazy. But, they're also friendly enough. For your viewing pleasure, I am including a video of the only job I liked when I was a janitor, and my classic task,
carpet cleaning.