Friday, October 27, 2006

In China, an Injection cures anything.

I learned this truth on fall break in the tiny tourist town of Li Jiang in Yunan Province. Having eaten some particularly evil food, and having spent an extroadinary night, I stumbled into the little medical clinic and had the following conversation.
*let's hear it
*i ate my stomach wrong...I feel terrible
*did you throw up?
*did you blah blah blah?
*i think so
*you blah blah blah blah
*blah blah blah intestine. blah blah injection.
So that's how I got my IV treatment, which did actually make me feel a lot better, but I'm still in favor of going to the doctor in America. Or at least until my medical vocab has a lot less blah blah's in it.

In good news, parts of Yunan have been directly transported from the Lord of the Rings movies. I'll post pictures of Frodo-Michael soon.