I finally got my mojo back. And no, I don't mean my ability to attend dances. My mojo is my ability to make decisions, and frankly I haven't been able to make any decisions in more than a year. It took me half an hour to decide whether or not to shave following my spring break camping trip. I agonized over jobs. How can I possibly decide which shoe to tie first? I minimized every possible risk. Finally, spring formal brought me to my senses.
I wanted to go, but I didn't know who to go with, what to do, o anything. I agonized. I pondered. And I realized I had become a person without courage. And in that moment I decided to take the risk and just go. I asked my friend, we had a great time, and I no longer examine every possible negative consequence before acting. Which means...
I have a job! I will be returning to China this fall, which means this blog is going to get a lot more interesting again soon. I will be teaching at Sichuan International Studies University, about the equivalent of the University of Minnesota. And I will be teaching a class on international relations and some oral English classes. I am particularly excited about the lecture class.
I will be living in Chongqing, which is in the interior of China. It's relatively close to the three gorges dam, and is a huge city. By some measurements, there are more than 30 million people living in the area, about 4 times the size of Hangzhou. I will miss Hangzhou. But this is by far the best opportunity I have right now. And with my restored mojo, I can go to a new place. Might as well!