Monday, May 22, 2006

Yesterday I went to the dessert dinner for the MEIV team that is going to China this summer. I really feel like I wish that I was going. And I don't think that it's just because someone I am a somewhat fond of is going on the trip. They are going to have an amazing opportunity and experience and I am so excited for them. There is one guy going who is white who yesterday was questioning "why am I going on this as a white person..." He seems like a great guy, I hope that he can outgrow that questioning of his race so much on the trip. It'll be hard. I went through a whole period of "I am nobody!" identity before I made it here, to I am white and that is valuable and good and I can use that to help others. We are defined by more than what we do. It is also what we do not--for example. I am from Minnesota, a thousand miles from the nearest ocean. How much seafood do you think I eat? I think the Chinese American people on the trip will find a lot of their identity out there in Yinchuan too. It reminds me of "The Book of Lights" by Chaim Potok. He's a Jewish author and in the book his two characters end up finding both understanding and forgiveness in Korea and Japan. It's a beautiful book, I more than recommend it.


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