- Crossing the street here is like playing the most horrible version of frogger ever, except the prize is your life
- There is no line in the cafeteria. You just rush up and tell the lady what you want, hoping she picks you and not one of the 35 others.
- Nothing is easy when your Chinese is 1/2 there
- Accents know no ends
I will try to post some more later, including my very friendly roommate and me. 再见:)
I like rain. I hope you like rain. Mrs. Calvin says hola. Bina says hello too, and she hopes you will come home with chinese peanut butter cookies for her. I have to go do math homework. At least you don't have to do calculas in chinese. Ta Ta! Emily
and how is the sleeping going...?
glad to hear that things seem to be going well. keep up the good work!
i'll keep up on the twins for ya.
michael brown,you're in china! good observations on how weird china is.
speaking of weird, aren't the baseball standings crazy?! who woulda thought that you'd be happy at this time of year with the april the twins had. and that i'd be freaking depressed. i'm going to go cry now.
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