- Fulfills my federal service requirement. No, Americorps does not count.
- Makes enough money that I can save up $20,000 and buy off my service requirement
- Transforms me into a Confucian master of Chinese, so I can get employed with a job that will fulfill my service requirement.
The Feds, you see, are tricky. The scholarship only mandates one year of service. But all the jobs are something like lifetime commitments! In one interview, that last 3.5 hours (I didn't even get offered the job) the recruiter informed that, "You are aware, you do not quit this job." So if you want to employ me, just let me know.
Above is the amazing experience of supercharged go-carts. They come equipped with matching suits, helmets, neck braces, and liability forms. But I'd still like to thank Rachel (third from left if you can't tell) for a really fun night. I needed that.
I have a Peace Corps interview on Wednesday morning, my secret motto is "China or bust."
1 comment:
Good luck with the interview!
When I first saw the picture, I thought you were pretending to be an astronaut. =)
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