Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yesterday was the best day of my life to be wearing underwear. I volunteer at an outreach center of the University of Minnesota for newly arrived Chinese students. The center is actually run by a NU alum, which is extra neat. But yesterday, as I squatted down to hoist yet another oversize desk, I heard a "RIP!" And then I had no seat in my jeans. Pretty funny.

Above is my awful route to China, except that it skips my stop in LAX, which I have denoted with a tasteful blue dot. I leave in about two weeks. I am in way over my head, yet again.


Anonymous said...

We are all in over our heads... too bad you missed the incredible CCTV coverage of the Best Olympics in History! But Liu Xiang cannot compete, such a pity, I can only sympathize with the disappointed sighs of the 1.3 billion.

Daniel said...

I am so glad you are coming back! We shall meet again. I will go ahead and set up the Catan board now...